প্রিন্ট আইএসএসএন: ২৪১১-৯০৫৯
Dhaka Viswaviddalay Potrika, a research journal of the University of Dhaka, was first published in December 1973. Professor Serajul Islam Choudhury, who edited it until October 1988, was its founder editor. During its first four years (1973-1976), the journal was published annually, every December. From 1977 to 1983, it was published half-yearly, in June and December. In 1984, it was published in June and October. Since 1985, it has been published thrice a year, in February, June, and October.
The Dhaka University Studies
The Dhaka University Studies
প্রিন্ট আইএসএসএন: ০০১১-৫২২৩
The Dhaka University Studies is an Open-Access, double-blind, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published in the Bangla language. It considers research articles in the liberal arts, science, biological sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and information technology. The Dhaka University Studies aims to be one of the most important journals of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The journal evaluates the research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles solely on the basis of the research.
Bangla Potrika Volumes
Bangla Journal Articles
English Journal Issues
English Journal Articles
Dhaka Bishwabiddyaloy Patrika
Professor Dr. Syed Shahriar Rahman
Department of Linguistics, University of Dhaka
The Dhaka University Studies
Prof. Dr. A. K. M. Haroonar Rashid
Department of Philosophy, University of Dhaka
Last published issue
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Dhaka Bishwabiddyaloy Patrika
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The Dhaka University Studies
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