Dhaka Bishwabiddyaloy Patrika
Dhaka Vishwaviddalay Potrika is an Open-Access, double-blind, peer-reviewed, scholarly journal published in the Bangla language. It considers research articles in the liberal arts, science, biological sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and information technology.
Dhaka Vishwaviddalay Potrika aims to be one of the most important journals of the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The journal evaluates the research methods of each article for validity and accepts articles solely on the basis of the research. Likewise, by not restricting papers to a narrow discipline, Dhaka Vishwaviddalay Potrika facilitates the discovery of the connections between papers, whether within or between disciplines.
Dhaka Vishwaviddalay Potrika places an emphasis on research integrity, high ethical standards, constructive peer review, exemplary production quality, and leading-edge online functionality. It reserves the right to decline any submission for any reason. This can include those studies that do not have a grounding in established scientific knowledge or that conflict with the core values of Dhaka Vishwaviddalay Potrika.
Recent Publication
- সমরেশ বসুর খণ্ডিতা : জীবন ও রাজনীতির রূপায়ণ-পারভীন আক্তার
- কাইয়ুম চৌধুরীর চিত্রকলায় মুক্তিযুদ্ধ-মোঃ বনি আদম
- আহমদ শরীফ প্রদত্ত স্মারক বক্তৃতা-মো. রিজাউল ইসলাম
- বাংলা টাইপোগ্রাফিক গ্রন্থ-প্রচ্ছদ : চিহ্নতাত্তি¡ক বিশ্লেষণ-ভদ্রেশু রীটা
- বিবেকানন্দের শিকাগো ভাষণ ও রচনা বিষয়বৈচিত্র্য ও গদ্যশৈলী-মিলটন কুমার দেব
The Dhaka University Studies
- The emergence of Nata Sankirtana: A Ritualistic Dance Performance by Warda Rihab
- Rohingya Crisis from a Geopolitical Lens: Power Struggle over Regional Hegemony shadowing the Humanitarian needs by Zarin Tasnim Rashid, A. B. M. Najmus Sakib
- Fairs and Females: A Socio-cultural Perspective of 19th and 20th Century Bengal by Fairooz Jahan, Taskia Haq Lyric
- The Dhaka University Studies-Vol. 79, No. 1-2, January-December 2022 (Full)
- Dhaka University Journal invites research essay for 104th issue